TBG Dividend Announcement


October 27, 2017


TBG Dividend Announcement


It is my pleasure to announce that for the 2nd time in as many years, TBG will be distributing a dividend to our Members. On July 27, 2017 the TBG Board of Directors approved the first dividend distribution for the 2013 fund year and the second distribution for the 2012 fund year. We are very proud to be in the financial position to pay a dividend for the second year in a row. Our regulator has approved the dividend distribution so we now can announce it publicly.

The ability to pay this dividend is mainly the result of a couple of factors. First is the support of our Members and their commitment to working safe over the years. Another is TBG’s dedication to controlling workers’ compensation costs through safety services training, proactive claims management, and a dedicated nurse care line.

Under the guidelines of our dividend policy, the total amount that will be paid for those two years is $1,135,914. The payment to eligible Members will be recalculated in April of 2018 with updated membership and claims information as of 12-31-2016 and paid at the end of April 2018. If your renewal is 4-1 or prior, you will receive an estimate of your dividend with your renewal quote.


To qualify for a dividend, a Member has to meet three basic criteria:


  1. You were a Member of the fund during the year the dividend is based on.
  2. You must be a Member on the date the dividend is paid.
  3. Your loss ratio must be less than the breakeven loss ratio for the fund year the dividend is paid from.


Thank you for your support and loyalty to The Builders Group and for helping us make workers’ comp work. Together with your referrals we can continue to enjoy a return on our investment for years to come.



Stu Thompson, CEO